O'Toole, J. Mitchell, O'Toole, Gjyn. Common Ground; 2004. Specialist language style and supposedly adept monolingual science students.
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Khoboli, Benedict, Kibirige, Israel, O'Toole, J. Mitchell. Taylor & Francis; 2013. Teacher responses to policy implementation seen through a creative lens: learner-centred teaching in Lesotho science classes.
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Freestone, Margaret, O'Toole, J. Mitchell, . Cogent; 2016. Reminiscence spike in reading recall between the ages of 8-11: the influence of early memories on attitudes and actions.
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Khoboli, Benedict, O'Toole, J. Mitchell. Taylor & Francis; 2011. Learner-centred science in Lesotho: adapting the ideal to adjust classroom practice.
Hits: 520
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O'Toole, J. Mitchell, King, Robert A. R.. Common Ground; 2010. Reading by the numbers: reconsidering numerical estimates of reading difficulty.
Hits: 1438
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O'Toole, J. Mitchell. Routledge; 2013. A review of "The High Quality Teacher: What Is Teacher Quality and How Do We Measure It?".
Hits: 610
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O'Toole, J. Mitchell, Schefter, M.. Common Ground; 2008. Patterns of student difficulty with science text in undergraduate biology courses.